Left Long Beach this

morning around 9am and continued down the California coast on the Pacific Coast Highway. Drove through Huntington Beach and pulled over so that we could take a short walk on the beach and let the water touch our feet. I could have just lay there all day with my eyes closed listening to that sound the waves make when they crash down...so amazing. Drove through Laguna Beach and kept an eye out for Lauren Conrad but no such luck. Then we were on our way to Arizona. Driving along the border was pretty interesting, unlike many I have never been that close to it. Finally hit Arizona around 2pm, and unfortunatly did not get to take my picture next to the

'Welcome to Arizona' sign, but oh well. Had lunch in Yuma...yes like the movie...and continued on our way to Tucson. A pretty boring drive until the cactus made its appearance. First came small ones with tiny burst of vines sticking up and bright pink flowers on the top. Then came short curly bushy ones with what looked like cotton all over them. Then came the King of Cactus...the traditional tall ones with arms. I don't see these often, if at all, in California so I was in amazement for a good few hours. We searched for the biggest ones, the one with the most arms, the ones with arms that have died off, and the ultimate King being the tallest and coolest looking c
actus of them all. Had to cut under some

barbed wire, but we found what we were looking for. Man those things are cool...and quite intimidating once it is towering over you with its needle covered arms in the air. All in all, it was a good drive and I had the chance to see a lot of beautiful nature which is so refreshing. There's mountains made of giant red rocks! Finally arrived in Tuscon this evening and took a quick dip in the pool, and now off to get some sleep before tackling Texas tomorrow...ugh.
amanda faye
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