So yesterday morning we woke up in New Orleans around 8am and walked to the French Quarter. As we were aproaching just a few blocks away, we ran smack into movie crews filming a new movie called "Red"

with Bruce Willis and John Malkovich. After lingering for a bit we learned that none of the actors were there that day, but we stuck around for a bit to watch them set up a car crash scene. Probably for the best, as I would have just died if I saw John Malkovich...he's amazing and I would have screamed just that as I was licking his face. Also, as we were standing there in the beaming Louisiana sun, i thought to myself "hmmm, should have put on sunscreen", which is very like me to think about after it's too late. Anyway, after that we had lunch on a patio at a cafe and watched a live jazz band and the locals and tourists pass by. Then we continued our walk for a few hours up and down the small French style streets, hitting up the French Market for souveniers and a bar for a few cold beers. I took about a million pictures, which I will be uploading when I get home because I didn't bring my USB cord. I had to walk down Bourbon St. because...well because it's Bourbon St., although as soon as I was there I wanted to leave. It's crazy how different this one street is from the others. As soon as we turned the corner we were accosted by strippers, bouncers, and crazies. There was a strong aroma of puke and piss and neon lights lined the buildings. I took my picture of the street sign, walked a few blocks trying to dodge STD's, and quickly got back to the charming streets. After that we had about an hour to kill before meeting one of my best friends, Brie, for dinner in town.

We decided to walk up by the river and Ryan got immediatly swindled by a local street hustler. Ten dollars for a half ass shoe shine and a few words of wisdom...along with now realizing not to keep his fives with his twenties, because apparently they have change. At 6pm, we sat down for dinner to meet Brie, and althought she was a bit late, got to catch up with her and have a nice long dinner and some cocktails. I miss that girl and hope she moves back to California soon. So glad we had some time to meet up. Ryan was a bit bored between all the girl talk, but he understood that Brie and I hadn't seen eachother in a while. We parted ways with Brie and Ryan was in a mad dash to get back to the hotel to play a computer game, and I was beat. We got to the hotel and as soon as I walked by a mirror my lobster red shoulders were aglow. Oh Amanda, when are you going to learn that you are a ginger and need to put on sunscreen like other people put on lotion. Someday.
We woke up this morning around 9am and began our drive to Florida, passing through Mississippi and Alabama which were a blur, and rolled into Tampa around 9:

30 this evening. I was feeling a bit dehydrated at this point so it was good to be done with the car ride for the day. The hotel is amazing and seems like something out of Japan, so it will be a nice restfull night. Tomorrow we are off to Miami to pick up Ryan's friend Joe from the airport and then on to the Keys! Goodnight friends and remember your sunscreen...and to keep you small bills away from your big ones.
amanda faye