Left our gorgeous hotel in Tampa around 10am yesterday and hit the road

to Miami Beach to pick up Ryan's friend Joe. Miami Beach was insanely busy, but beautiful also. Didn't have much time to check it out, plus we were all dying to get to the Keys. As we approached the Keys, it didn't seem like much to look at. Dilapidated buildings and old gas stations serving fried chicken lined the streets. Traffic begin to bunch up the closer we got, and then as we crossed a small bridge the horizon opened up to endless aquamarine ocean. Palm trees blew in the bursts of breezes and parasailers flew overhead. About 30 more miles down, past quaint shops and delicious smelling restaurants we hit our camp site and pulled in around 7pm. We set up the tent, with some help from some drunk fellow campers, Frank and Joe, who were surprisingly helpful despite the fact the were stumbly drunk. We had some interesting conversation and a beer with them before setting out to find food. Ryan, Joe (not drunk Joe...althought this Joe had shotgunned a beer at this point), and I ate at Herbie's which was AMAZING. I had the crab cakes but everyone ended up eating off Ryan's plate because he ordered sauteed red snapper

and it was pretty much the best thing any of us had ever tasted...until we got to the key lime pie that is. Geezus i'm going to eat my weight in fish and pie these few days...yummmm. Got back to the campsite, had a few more beers, and then I was ready to crash. Woke up this morning pretty darn early, as Wobbly Joe and Master Chef Frank (our drunky camp neighboors) kept me up most of the night because apparently they have no need for sleep and like to converse with eachother until the wee hours. Still, can't say it's a bad thing that I am complaining about a lack of rest in the Florida Keys...I will take it any day. Had breakfast (crab benny and a bloody mary) this morning and now here I am, ready to go fully enjoy the beach.

amanda faye
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